Ashtanga Mysore

Ashtanga Mysore

Ashtanga Mysore

Most yoga classes are group classes, full of students with all different levels of experience, strength and flexibility. An instructor leads the class through a series of poses and everyone works on the same poses at the same time. Often, such classes can be too fast or too challenging for beginners and likewise, they can be quite easy for advanced students.

In Mysore-style classes, students learn and practice Ashtanga Yoga at their own pace. Everyone in the room is practicing Ashtanga Yoga, but each of them is working on different parts of the series. For example, beginners may be working on Sun Salutations and basic standing poses while advanced students may be working on backbends and handstands or even the Intermediate (second) series.

Everyone is challenged without being overwhelmed. If for some reason you need to do a modified practice or a shorter practice, you have the complete freedom to do so. You are not locked into what the teacher has planned for the class.

Class Etiquette

  • Come with clean body. If you shower before practice, hot shower is recommended.

  • Do not wear deodorant or any strong scent on your body.

  • If it is your first time with the teacher, try to introduce yourself. Tell the teacher about your concern or injury so he/she will be able to assist you better.

  • No water bottle, food or drinks and electronic devices in the class.

  • Arrive and depart the room quietly.

  • Remain silent in the class and no talking to your fellow practitioners.

  • Don’t call out teacher, if you need assistance or help, raise your hand.

  • Do not use props or any exercise equipments unless it is specifically assigned to you by the teacher.

  • No asana practice on full and new moon days.

  • Do not come to class on your lady holiday. Recommended rest day is 1 - 3 days, depending on how your body feels.

  • Teacher’s instruction or authority of controlling the class is for your safety. Hence, it should be taken in absolute.

  • You will do your practice according to what teacher assigned to you in the sequence. Do not attempt new pose on your own.

  • In the tradition of Sri. K Pattabhi Jois, new pose shall not be given on a Saturday, which is considered a strong day, ruled by planet Saturn.

  • Be considerate to other practitioners around you.

  • No food consumption within 6 hours before practice. And do not come to class being intoxicated.

  • In the tradition of Ashtanga Mysore, there are three elements that affect the environment of the practice place and your body. They are water, air and crystals. Therefore, water is not allowed in class, as well as adjusting the gaps of the windows and doors without seeking permissions from the teacher.

  • Do not do additional warm up on the mat right before Sun Salutations, unless it is assigned by the teacher.

  • You are allowed to leave the class to use the bathroom anytime.