Classes and schedule

We have Ashtanga Mysore and Mysore Beginners 6 days a week, except Moon days. Weekly half Led Primary on Monday.

Ashtanga Mysore Singapore

Ashtanga Mysore

Tuesday to Friday
6.45am - 10.45am

Saturday and Sunday
7.30am - 11am

No class on Moon days.

Evening Mysore
6pm - 8.30pm, Only Wednesday. Day will change when it falls on Moon Day. So it is advisable for new students to email us before coming to Evening class.

Mysore Beginners

This is suitable for students who have no experience in yoga at all or have experience in other yoga styles but not Ashtanga or the Mysore method. If you are unsure, feel free to contact us.

On your first day, you may arrive at the stated timings:

7.30am or 8.30am or 9.30am

8.00am or 9.00am or 10.00am

Beginners should expect 45-60 mins of practice time.

No class on Monday and Moon days.

Check out the Newcomer One-month Unlimited package.

Mysore Conference

All Mysore Breathing Room students are invited to attend the conference free of charge. Ashtanga conference (satsang) is basically a casual/informal meeting where the practitioners and the teacher discuss about the practice. There will be Q&A during the session. Sometime it could be mini workshop, announcements or discussion on physical, philosophy or theory part of the practice. This will take place on Sunday after Led.

ashtanga led primary

Ashtanga Led

Full primary series Led class takes place on the last Sunday of every month.

Time: 7.30am (90 minutes)

Open to students who have experience in Ashtanga Mysore and/or Ashtanga Led.

Half Led Primary on every Monday 7.15am - 8.30am by Yoyo.

Ashtanga Moon Day 2022

Moon Days 2024

Thursday 11th- New
Friday 26th- Full

Friday 9th- New
Friday 23rd- Full

Sunday 10th- New
Sunday 24th- Full

Tuesday 9th- New
Tuesday 23rd- Full

Tuesday 7th- New
Thursday 23rd- Full

Thursday 6th- New
Friday 21st- Full

Friday 5th- New
Sunday 21st- Full

Sunday 4th- New
Tuesday 20th- Full

Tuesday 3rd- New
Tuesday 17th- Full

Thursday 3rd- New
Thursday 17th- Full

Friday 1st- New
Friday 15th- Full

Sunday 1st- New
Sunday 15th- Full
Tuesday 31st- New

Simply walk in to attend a class

No class on Moon Days

Tuesday to Friday
6.45am - 10.45am Ashtanga Mysore
7.30 / 8.30 /9.30am Mysore Beginners

Half Led Primary 7.15am - 8.30am

Evening Mysore
6pm - 8.30pm

Saturday & Sunday
7.30am - 11am Ashtanga Mysore
8.00 / 9.00 /10.00am Mysore Beginners

You can purchase packages after you finish your class.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.