Frequently asked questions

About Mysore classes

  • Mysore classes, named after the city Mysore, India where the practice originated, is a self‐paced class. It allows students to receive individual and personalised instructions in learning the Ashtanga yoga practice. All levels are welcome from new beginners to advanced practitioners looking to deepen their understanding of the practice. At the beginning, new students receive more guidance. As they become familiar with the practice, they are allowed more independence, and receive adjustments and assistance when needed.

  • Since a Mysore class is self‐paced, students are not limited to the pace and rhythm of a led class. While led classes are a great way to learn about breath and vinyasa, the emphasis here is following your own breath to deepen your focus and skills of concentration. The manner in which a led class is conducted does not allow a teacher to guide students in detail when they encounter a new or difficult pose. However, a Mysore style setting provides you with the unique opportunity to work one‐on‐one with the teacher to progress and truly experience the benefits of yoga practice. The Ashtanga system is not complete without incorporating both led and Mysore classes. Typically, Ashtanga is practiced 6 days a week, with 1‐2 of the classes being led.

  • You will progress each Ashtanga sequence pose by pose. The primary series (Yoga Cikitsā) is first taught. Students begin with the Sun Salutation A and B followed by the standing series, seated postures, backbends, and finishing sequence. After the primary series, the intermediate series will be introduced. You’ll work with the teacher on a one-to-one basis to slowly build your own personal practice.

  • No. The length of your practice determines the length of the class. It is different for every individual. The class timing is 3 hours – this is the window where the teacher is present, and students will conduct their practice during this window. Some people are there for 60 minutes and others are there for 90 minutes or more. It also could depends on what can fit into your schedule on that day. Please let the teacher know if you have limited time on a given day and your teacher will guide you on how to fit your practice into your schedule.

  • Yes! The Mysore class is where students are meant to learn the series! Your teacher will guide you from the very beginning, and guidance will be provided on methods to memorise and internalise the series.

  • In Ashtanga yoga, we traditionally take our yoga practice six days a week, resting on one day. Rest days are also taken on moon days and lady holidays. However, at the beginning this may be a challenge. At first you might try practicing three times a week. Nevertheless, we can slowly aim to build up to a practice of six days a week if time permits.

    In time, some of us may eventually discover that a daily practice can be a transforming experience, finding that the benefits of yoga are able to flood into your heart. What regular practitioners find about a daily practice is that it sets a beautiful intention for rest of the day, and that it is able to clear old patterns of negative thought and thereby eliminate suffering.

    We believe that it can also assist in restoring peace and balance in our lives. That said, the true aim of the practice is to enable it to support our lives, so practice when you can and the benefits will come.

  • YES! This is precisely why you should! Yoga is for all people, and one of the many benefits of a yoga practice is increased flexibility which can lead to less pain, more mobility and increased health throughout the body.

  • Yes! Yoga is often advised to those dealing with pain or healing from injuries. Please be sure to receive your doctor’s permission to begin any new physical activity when on the path to recovery. And, always tell your teacher if you are experiencing any pain or recovering from any injuries, as this will help your teacher guide you through a safe practice.

  • Wear clothes that allow you to move easily and that you’re comfortable bending over and sitting in. That’s all you need to worry about.

  • Try not to, as it is best to practice with an empty stomach. If possible, refrain from eating 2-3 hours before your practice and for at least 45 minutes after practicing. In addition, try to avoid drinking during practice.

About Shala & packages

  • There is one shower room and one toilet.

    All toiletries are provided.

    You only need to bring your own towel.

  • Free parkings are available directly under the studio’s compound.

  • All packages are valid for 1 month. No extension. Please plan your schedule ahead before buying the most suitable package types.

  • Yoga Gurus and Masters from the ancient times and texts explain that yoga practice, either asana or seated meditations, have to be done on a clean, appropriate and personal space. Yoga mat is considered a sacred and personal item. Therefore, it is advisable to bring your own mat. Store room is available so you don’t need to carry it every time you come.

    If it is impossible for you to bring your own mat, we have mats provided.

  • For students who are interested to explore the Ashtanga Mysore method, we offer the “Newcomer one-month unlimited” package at a special price!

    We strongly believe in order to experience the benefits of the Mysore method, students need to practice frequently. This package will allow you to come practice as frequent as you can for a month.

    This special price is only applicable to students who have never practiced with Sita before.

    Furthermore, we understand that some students need more time to make decision. So we also extend this special price if the newcomers decide to try the Mysore method for the second month consecutively.

  • Yes! We welcome visitors from other shalas around the world to come and share the energy. The teacher will be present to assist in any way.

  • No prior booking is needed before you attend the class.

    You can email us before coming, to ensure that the shala is open on the day you plan to come. For example, the shala might be closed for Moon Days.

  • You can buy packages after your class.

    For now, we only accept cash or PayNow at 96393631

  • You will receive the attendance card depending on the type of package you have.

    The card is kept at the Shala’s card box. Every time you arrive, you reach for the box (categorised alphabetically by your name), find your own card and put on the table. Teachers will stamp the card for you.

Still have questions? Drop us a message!