Ashtanga Mysore in Singapore

In Mysore Breathing Room, we offer Mysore-style Ashtanga 6 days a week, with one rest day (Wednesday). There will also be no class on Moon Days. Check schedule and scroll to the bottom for scheduled Moon Days for 2023.

The shala is situated in central Singapore, along River Vally Road, near to Killiney Road- Where the famous Killiney Kopitiam is.

Ashtanga Mysore vs yoga classes

Most yoga classes are group classes, full of students with all different levels of experience, strength and flexibility. An instructor leads the class through a series of poses and everyone works on the same poses at the same time. Often, such classes can be too fast or too challenging for beginners and likewise, they can be quite easy for advanced students.

In Mysore-style classes, students learn and practice Ashtanga Yoga at their own pace. Everyone in the room is practicing Ashtanga Yoga, but each of them is working on different parts of the series. For example, beginners may be working on Sun Salutations and basic standing poses while advanced students may be working on backbends and handstands or even the Intermediate (second) series.

Everyone is challenged without being overwhelmed. If for some reason you need to do a modified practice or a shorter practice, you have the complete freedom to do so. You are not locked into what the teacher has planned for the class.

Ashtanga Mysore vs Mysore Beginners

If you have never done yoga before, or if you have never done Ashtanga before, you fall under the “Mysore Beginners” category.

Here is a brief idea of what to expect on your first day:

  • Meet teacher Sita. Put your shoes and bags outside the room. No water bottles & phones allowed inside the room as well.

  • Tell teacher if you have any concerns and injuries.

  • Teacher will teach you Sun Salutations step-by-step.

  • You practice. Don’t worry, teacher will be there to help along the way :)

Typically, the first session for beginners is around 45 mins to 1 hour.

So, depending on your schedule, you can come at 7.30am or 8.30am.

Good news! If you have never practiced with Mysore Breathing Room and with Sita before, you are eligible to buy Newcomer Monthly Unlimited! Instead of $300, you pay $170 and enjoy unlimited classes in a month. Good deal!!

For more information, check out the Prices page.

If you have more questions, feel free to email us or send us a text via Instagram :) Hope to see you soon!


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