One week Anniversary of Mysore Breathing Room

Today marks one week anniversary of Mysore Breathing Room. Things happened so fast and more than I expected in a good way.

I feel so grateful for friends and students who have been standing beside me with the unconditional love they showed. I see God in them.

I’m still figuring out which of the two rooms we have suits best for my students. Both have good things in different ways. The smaller room has beautiful morning sunshine that gets a little bright when the sun rises higher. The other one that we call The Black Room has the best flooring. My students say it’s grippy and makes them feel very stable in handstands LOL. Our class will stay in this room till we have the window blind installed in the smaller room.

Things have been fun, positive, and energetic in the past week. My landlord is a super kind group of people. I had moments when I felt nervous that I had not done enough for my students, but I always pray.

Every time I stepped into The Room, I prayed and expressed gratitude to the lineage. For that magic always happened, I feel like an empty vessel that water of knowledge started to flow in through me and imparted to my students through my hands, through my words...

Thank you to everyone for always being there and so supportive. I will continue doing my best every day. And I know I can make it better. I have not reached my peak of the best just yet!

Mysore Breathing Room


Let’s talk about oil bath