How to purchase

  • After you have decided the colours and types of rugs you like, you can send a message to our Instagram with the screenshot of the products & colours.

  • First come first serve basis.

  • We will then reserve the items for you if it is still available. If someone else has the same taste as you but is faster than you, we will inform you to choose another colours :)

  • If you are not particular about colours, just tell us the quantity and products.

  • Payment to be made via PayNow.

  • Happy browsing!

Thick Mysore Rugs (SOLD OUT)

  • These are all the colours for thick rugs.

  • Benefits of thick rugs include good absorption of sweat and due to its thickness, it stays in place on the mat during practice.

  • Price:

    • $50 for Mysore Breathing Room students.

    • $55 for non-Mysore Breathing Room students.

    • Special for MBR students, if you buy 1 thick +1 thin rugs: $85

Thin Mysore Rugs (Sold out)

  • Group 1 (photo above)

  • There are 8 pieces of thin rugs in this colour series.

  • Price:

    • $40 for Mysore Breathing Room students.

    • $45 for non-Mysore Breathing Room students.

    • Special for MBR students, if you buy 1 thick +1 thin rugs: $85

Group 2 (photo above)

  • There are 5 pieces of thin rugs in this colour series.

  • Price:

    • $40 for Mysore Breathing Room students.

    • $45 for non-Mysore Breathing Room students.

    • Special for MBR students, if you buy 1 thick +1 thin rugs: $85

Group 3 (photo above)

  • There are 8 pieces of thin rugs in this colour series.

  • Price:

    • $40 for Mysore Breathing Room students.

    • $45 for non-Mysore Breathing Room students.

    • Special for MBR students, if you buy 1 thick +1 thin rugs: $85